Oh hey. Still here. Just with one more kiddo added to our mix and I’ve been choosing to stare at him or sleep when I can over anything else. We’re a little late to this birth post since Guy is almost 3 months old, but I still wanted to get it up here! And having now loaded three kids in a car numerous times, I’ve come to terms with probably never being on time to anything… or hitting a deadline. Ever Again. We are all so in love with our baby “Guyguy,” so here he is in all his hairy glory:

Thursday, March 8th
5:48 AM
8 lbs 11 oz
21 in

The night before he was born, I started having contractions around 9 PM. He had always been so active at night in the last few months of pregnancy, so at first I wasn’t for sure they were labor contractions. But as they got more and more intense, we were at the hospital by midnight. They told me to walk the halls for an hour, but I made it only 15 minutes with some details that I’ll kindly leave out for you. Once we were admitted to a labor and delivery room at 3:30, everything after that seemed to happen so fast. At 7-8 cm dilated, the nurse wasn’t sure if the epidural could be administered in time. But I told her I would hold that baby in until they could get me that needle!

The anesthesiologist pulled through and with just a couple pushes, Derek and our midwife caught our baby boy. The first things I noticed were those blue eyes, a big mole on his left arm, his fuzzy arms/ shoulders/ back, big hands, widespread toes (since the girls always curled theirs), and how good and perfect he felt against me as I held him so close.

And here’s why I hold our son’s name so dear: “Guy” is my Dad’s name and “Steven” is Derek’s Dad’s name. I had never grown up dreaming about my wedding or what I was going to be one day, but I always hoped that if I had a baby boy, his name would be Guy. I guess you can say I’m the ultimate Daddy’s girl, but if you knew my Dad, you would understand why. And it just seemed so perfect to name our boy after his Papa and Granddad.

Mya and Leah came to visit just a few hours after Guy was born. They were fully equipped and ready to assist with stethoscopes and cameras. And their “big sister” pink scrubs were a big hit with all the nurses.

Derek and I stayed in the hospital just that one night and were home early afternoon on Friday. The nurses were so sweet and accommodating, but we were ready to get home to the girls and relieve Nana and Papa from their babysitting duties. I will never forget how– right when we got home– both girls wanted to hold Guyguy together in the big blue chair. Seeing our three in that moment was one of the most overwhelmingly beautiful moments of my life. Not sure how we got so lucky, but I am forever grateful…

From the day Guy was born, both Mya and Leah have only shown him love and admiration. They love petting his head and holding him however many times I’ll pass him over. Mya still keeps saying, “I can’t believe we have a baby boy. He is so perfect for our family.” Leah says, “Awwwwwe, he’s so cute” and “I love you, baby brudder” throughout all days. They also now use the word “penis” a lot. Followed by lots of little giggles.

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  • Reply
    June 5, 2018 at 1:08 PM

    I have missed your blogs. New baby pictures are great.

    • Reply
      June 5, 2018 at 1:51 PM

      Thanks, JoAnn! I have missed blogging too. Hope to make some more time for it… and hope to see you soon! 🙂

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